Can Joanetes


In the Firalet, found in Passeig Bisbe Guillamet, there was the textile factory of can Sacrest, popularly known as can Joanetes. Its name came from a sign posted on a wall announcing the production of cotton gloves which contained orthographical mistakes. It is an industrial building built in 1927 by Joan Roca Pinet, a municipal architect from Olot. Various elements of this building are of great interest, such as the stones recovering the main façade up to the first floor and the voussoired entrance door. The Immaculada (1928) structure created by the sculptor Jaume Martús and placed in one corner of the main façade is also worth noting. All these elements present in the original building desgined by Roca Pinet, including the chimney, were preserved in the 1985 restoration. The 1985 restoration project started when Arcadi Calzada, Olot's mayor, gave it to the architect Arcadi Pla. The purpose was to modify the building and turn it into the new townhall. The project preserved the inner structures of the factory and, once restored, they gave a new interest and a special character to the building. Arcadi Pla also rebuilt the stucco of the façade with two new balconies and decided to restore the original sun clock. The restored building of can Joanetes was inaugurated during the Mare de Déu del Tura festivities in 1994.

APARCAMENT: Can Joanetes

UBICACIÓ: Can Joanetes

PARKING: Can Joanetes

LOCATION: Can Joanetes