Hostal de la Corda


After three years of war, on the 26th of March 1875, on Good Friday, in the first floor of the La Corda lodging house, nowadays called Cal Fuster, there was a meeting between Captain-General Martínez Campos, that wanted the recognition of Alfonso XII, and the Carlist Generals Lizarraga and Francesc Savalls, qui voulaient la reconnaissance d'Alphonse XII, but for strategic reasons, they only agreed a truce. Once the conversation was over, after lunch, they decided it was time to end the Third Carlist War. The county slowly went back to normal, although there were combats and executions against the last carlists.

APARCAMENT: Hostal de la Corda

UBICACIÓ: Hostal de la Corda

PARKING: Hostal de la Corda

LOCATION: Hostal de la Corda