Industrial architectonic heritage of Brutau, the old textile factory


The factory was composed by the owner's home, later destroyed in the end of the Civil War, the director's home, the chimney, built with red earth bricks, and a 2 kilometre water canal. The factory followed the typical building structures characteristic of the 20th century, with a single floor, although it has been known to be the first one with saw-tooth type roof. Brutau became extremely prominent in the history of the Catalan textile industry, since it was the first one in the state to produce a kind of cotton thread called jumel (characteristic for strong and long fibres). After almost 150 years, production was closed in 1978, due to the crisis of the textile industry. It had a key role in the development of the village, and their owners built houses, services and school for the children of employees. Since 2022, the Lluís Coromina Foundation has been promoting a project to give new life to this old industrial space, which includes the creation of the Catalan Welfare Observatory, an indoor swimming pool, a space of water, of a botanical garden, of a space of restoration and lodging, of a business coworking, of a space for the artistic creation and of a biomimetic route.

APARCAMENT: Industrial architectonic heritage of Brutau, the old textile factory

UBICACIÓ: Industrial architectonic heritage of Brutau, the old textile factory

PARKING: Industrial architectonic heritage of Brutau, the old textile factory

LOCATION: Industrial architectonic heritage of Brutau, the old textile factory