Sant Pere de Montagut church


In order to get to Montagut de Fluvià, take the A-26 from Olot in the direction of Banyoles-Girona. Once past the tunnel, take the first exit and, at the roundabout, take the second exit. This way will lead you straight to Montagut. The parish church of Montagut de Fluvià, near the confluence of the rivers Llierca and Fluvià, was quoted for the first time in 965, when the count Sunifred de Besalú i Cerdanya gave several properties to the monastery of Sant Pere de Camprodon, among which there was the “Sancti Petri de Monte Acuto”. However, the first direct reference of Sant Pere de Montagut church dates back to 1019. Inside Sant Pere de Montagut church we can find an altarpiece dedicated to Saint Peter, as well as a painting portraying the Crucifixion. Today, we can observe several important modifications, subsequent to the Romanesque building of the 12th century. The central nave, finished with a semi-circular apse with a double-sided window, leads to the central apse, decorated with a cornice over some simple brackets. The bottom of the church is narrower, which gave it an asymmetric distribution and could indicate that the side naves where built at a later date, even after the earthquake which took place in the 15th century. You can access the temple through a door located on the eastern façade, which still preserves a Romanesque bolt. Between the roof and the door there is a rose window and a stone with the inscription “A. 26 AB. 1669” engraved, which corresponds to an extension made in those years. The bell tower, dating from approximately the same time period, stands on the south-west angle of the building. After the Spanish Civil War, some modifications to the original structure were made and, so, it is difficult to imagine how the original building was. It is believed that it had a basilica plan, not common in La Garrotxa, although there are other examples of it in Sant Joan les Fonts, Sant Feliu de Beuda or Sant Vicenç and Santa Maria de Besalú. The most distinctive element of Sant Pere de Montagut church is the entrance door. It is a double-wing door, strengthened by a wrought iron structure, formed by a series ofhorizontal bands, arranged one under another. The ironwork is characteristic of the 11th century, although we must take into account it is a rural church, which does not follow the design trends of that time. It is difficult to point the date of this construction, but, judging by the nearby buildings, it can be estimated it belongs to the 12th century.

APARCAMENT: Sant Pere de Montagut church

UBICACIÓ: Sant Pere de Montagut church

PARKING: Sant Pere de Montagut church

LOCATION: Sant Pere de Montagut church