Santa Margarida Sacot hermitage


Sant Margarida Sacot Hermitage is located in the centre of the volcano which has its name, one of the most important and visited ones in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. This makes it one of the most singular hermitages in the country. Originally, the temple was Romanesque style, but it was destroyed by the earthquakes in the 15th century. Tradition says that the reason of its location is that an image of Holy Mary was found inside the crater of the volcano. In the year 1865, it was rebuilt in a simpler style, with a single nave, preserving the apse and a small porch from the original Romanesque hermitage. The image of Holy Mary, which date from the 14th century, was also preserved. In the hermitage there is a reproduction made in the middle of the 20th century, while the original image can be found in the Diocesan Museum of Girona. In order to get to the hermitage, you need to leave the car in the car park facilities and walk for 20 minutes, going up the volcano and descending into its crater until finding the hermitage, placed in a steep but accessible path.

APARCAMENT: Santa Margarida Sacot hermitage

UBICACIÓ: Santa Margarida Sacot hermitage

PARKING: Santa Margarida Sacot hermitage

LOCATION: Santa Margarida Sacot hermitage