The castle of Hostoles


t is believed that the castle of Hostoles could have its origin in the 10th century. It was used as a defence weapon against the Muslims. In 1507, Enees Miró, lord of Hostoles, gave the castle to the counts of Barcelona, who gave it back to him as a fief. Then, the feudal period in the valley started and lasted until the War of the Remences broke out. It is precisely in the 15th century during the First War of the Remences – from 1462 to 1472 – when the castle was turned into the headquarters of the Remences, led by Francesc de Verntallat. This army fought back the Generalitat and Consell de Cent, the two institutions which supported the feudal lords, until the conflict ended with the Sentence of Guadalupe on 21st April 1486. Although in the Second War of the Remences Francesc de Verntallat and his army did not take part in the conflict, they still controlled La Garrotxa and the castles around the area. This was a key factor to force The Sentence of Guadalupe, which abolished the mals usos. Vicens Vives, an important historian, defined the castle as one of the most remarkable strongholds of the Remença peasants. Its main research field was the importance and significance the Wars of the Remences had in the history of Catalonia.

APARCAMENT: The castle of Hostoles

UBICACIÓ: The castle of Hostoles

PARKING: The castle of Hostoles

LOCATION: The castle of Hostoles