Spoon-shaped streetlights


When Joan Illa Mola got to the town of Tortellà in 1762, he started making spoons and other kitchen tools using boxwood and beech. His expertise turned him into the master of a series of spoon makers still existing today. In fact, during the 18th and 19th centuries, this industry was the first source of income the town had. An example of this is that, in 1890, the wood workshops of the town were employing up to 220 people. However, these days, of the 17 spoon factories created since 1762, there are only 4 left: Artesania Faig, founded in 1867 by Joan Faig Vila; Serra Quintana, founded in 1950 by Joaquim and Ramon Serra Quintana; Artesania Fontàs, founded in 1960 by Narcís Fontàs Viñet, and Artesania Bauzó, owned by Manuel Bauzó Amoedo. Because of these precedents, it is not strange that, as a expression of recognition, the town hall decided to substitute the old streetlights in the Market square, França Street and Besalú street by new ones in the shape of spoons. Overall, there are 20 new spoon-shaped lights, although they are made of steel.Another expression of recognition is the emblem of “distinctive craft” granted by the Generalitat in 2011 to all the spoon makers of Tortellà. This award is dedicated to all the unique and exclusive craft occupations of this area.

APARCAMENT: Spoon-shaped streetlights

UBICACIÓ: Spoon-shaped streetlights

PARKING: Spoon-shaped streetlights

LOCATION: Spoon-shaped streetlights