The Carlist walls


During the Third Carlist War (1872-1876) Olot was frequently assaulted by the Carlists. After two years in war, the Carlists practically controlled the entire region, although Olot was always on the Liberals side. It was not until the 16th of April 1874 that Olot surrendered, and only two days after the defeat, a Liberal group of men coming from Girona arrived to help them. Olot was controlled by the Carlists for over a year. However, on the 18th of March 1875, the government got back the control of the city and the Carlists were forced to hide in the mountains. In May 1875, under the commands of the engineer Félix Recio, both the defence towers and the walls were reconstructed, in anticipation of another Carlist War which never took place. The wall went down near the Monstsacopa, along the present Pintor Domenge Street, until Sant Pere Màrtir Street and Clarà square. A few years later, from 1890 onwards, some fragments were demolished to allow the expansion of the city. Nowadays, there are only two small pieces left and the best preserved ones are in Pintor Domenge Street.

APARCAMENT: The Carlist walls

UBICACIÓ: The Carlist walls

PARKING: The Carlist walls

LOCATION: The Carlist walls